Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuggeranong, Canberra

You have a digital SLR camera (tick). You have a tripod (tick).

Do you also have a shutter release cable? No? GET ONE!!!

For only a few $$$ on ebay you can get a cheap as chips cable release. Once you have one, set your camera to "B" mode (bulb mode), put you camera on your tripod and wait for it to get dark. Point your camera at a city scape or the stars, then just press and hold the shutter open for a while.

How long? Experiment! This exposure was 12 seconds.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Busy Bee

IMG_0123b, originally uploaded by Ian Champ Photography.

One of the presents my lovely wife and kids got me for my birthday was a ring flash ... perfect for brightening up macro shots on overcast days.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011