Saturday, April 30, 2011

Making Us Think Together

I have the honor of having been featured by the Making Us Think Together web site as their photographer of the month.  

It is certainly rewarding to have my work complimented in this manner! 

In their own words, the website provides :

   "The opportunity for four individuals who stand out in their respective areas to be featured and promoted each month."

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Nowa Nowa Sculpture Walk

I love Photoshop.

I copied this photo to 2 layers, then tweaked one to get the background the way I wanted it and the other to make the rusty figures look nice, then finally I blended the two layers together.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Jamie and Mel

Jamie and Mel, originally uploaded by Ian Champ Photography.

I had a great time conducting a photography tutorial with some interesting clients who are sharpening up their photography skills prior to going to the U.S.A. to do some tornado chasing. I can hardly wait to see the images they come back with!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What're you lookin' at?

Untitled, originally uploaded by Ian Champ Photography.

There are lots of ways you as a photographer can encourage people to look at just the part of a photo you want them to look at.

This scene had lots of distractions such as cars in the background and a number of people doing different things. However by getting low so that the kayaks draw the viewers eye in to the central person, and by framing that person with lots of empty sky, the viewer can't help but look at the intended face.