Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Hot Rods

1209221657029540, originally uploaded by Ian Champ Photography.

Our latest groom Phil is a member of a Hot Rod club and so his wedding to Del featured some very cool automobiles!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sarah & Simon

120818184603_7086, originally uploaded by Ian Champ Photography.

Sarah & Simon had a beautiful wedding recently at the Gold Creek Chapel.

After their reception they braved a freezing Canberra afternoon and we took lots of great photos at the Carillion and Lennox Gardens.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Olympic Rings

23173020_1350, originally uploaded by Ian Champ Photography.

These glasses of water and food dye were used as centre pieces for the tables at the ACCV dinner last week .. Olympic Colours for an Olympic themed dinner.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Bot Gardens2, originally uploaded by Ian Champ Photography.

Another shot from the Botanic Gardens. It was a dull and overcast morning, but there was just enough sun to bring out the details in these fern leaves.

Thursday, May 31, 2012


Bot Gardens1, originally uploaded by Ian Champ Photography.

Ruth and I spent an enjoyable morning at the Botanic Gardens experimenting with our cameras.

This is the little stream running through the "rainforest". The orange patterns do not appear to swirl about, probably because the water is flowing at a slow, gentle pace. Very strange and very pretty.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


IMG_0392, originally uploaded by Ian Champ Photography.

I had a great day taking shots of Tash and Rach today .. oh, and I musn't forget Tash's puppy "Trails" - he was very cute!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Ian Champ Photography

A short video of some photos that Julie and I have taken.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Another Autumn Shot

IMG_0283, originally uploaded by Ian Champ Photography.

Another example of the awesome colours to be found around Canberra in Autumn.


IMG_0290, originally uploaded by Ian Champ Photography.

Canberra always looks it's best in Autumn - the colours are simply amazing!

Monday, April 16, 2012


IMG_0078, originally uploaded by Ian Champ Photography.
Pippy loves zooming around on the beach. Julie and I photographed Pippy with her mates Lilo and Stitch on the beach at Moruya Heads. They had a great time :)

Click here to see more of Lilo, Stitch and Pippy at the beach

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tri-State Conference & Trade Exhibition

1202281105423547, originally uploaded by Ian Champ Photography.

I had the pleasure of being the event photographer at the 21st Annual Tri-State Conference & Trade Exhibition.

Host for the event was Jean Kittson. It was a real privilege to be part of the audience ... even if she didn't appear in leotards as Candida.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Welcome to Cooper

IMG_7011, originally uploaded by Ian Champ Photography.

Congratulations to Jasmine and Phil on the arrival of baby Cooper.

I love this job .. it's such a privilege to be able to share in my customers big life events such as pregnancy, birth and marriage.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Water Dragon

Water Dragon, originally uploaded by Ian Champ Photography.

I snapped this Water Dragon at the Australian National Botanic Gardens in Canberra this afternoon. There are several that live near the pond below the the cafe.

He seemed to like posing, so perhaps he was actually a Snap Dragon?

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sophie & Nick's Wedding

120127194550i2087, originally uploaded by Ian Champ Photography.

Sophie & Nick's had their wedding at University House on Friday. It was great mix of traditional and modern wedding elements with funky jazz music, perfect weather and set amongst lovely green lawns and gardens.

My Interview

I have been interviewed by a new web site featuring Australian commercial photographers!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Meg & Nick

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Storms brewing over the Brindabellas made a great back drop for Meg & Nick's wedding photos!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Louise and Nelson

Another shot from Louise & Nelson's Wedding. We were lucky enough to get a lovely sunset on the night, and later at the reception we were treated to some great dancing by Nelson and his Kenyan friends.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Kingston Foreshore

I snapped this shot from the Boathouse Restaurant on Friday night while I was taking a breather at Louise and Nelson's wedding. It's looking across Lake Burley Griffin to the Kingston foreshore.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Kinchega Station

Kinchega Station, originally uploaded by Ian Champ Photography.

I loved the lines and the variety of colours formed by all the timber in these sheep pens. Getting down low helped emphasise just how huge the shed is.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Kinchega Station

Kinchega Station, originally uploaded by Ian Champ Photography.

Kinchega Station near Menindee has a huge shearing shed which is pretty much a walk in museum, and a great spot for taking photos!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Menindee Lake

Menindee Lake, originally uploaded by Ian Champ Photography.

Julie and I visited family at Menindee and paddled on the local lakes. The water was almost white due to the silt in the water.